Showing posts with label JS Common Functions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JS Common Functions. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Microsoft Dynamics 365 JavaScript Functions (v9.x)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 v9.x JavaScript Useful Functions:

In this blog, I'm going to discuss Dynamics 365 useful and common Client-side scripting which will help you to achieve your requirement in a simple way.

Below I have created a bunch of sample javaScript functionality that will help you to achieve your goal using the client-side script in Dynamics 365.

Here We Go...

//1. Function to Execute all On Load events

function OnLoad(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Sample code for On Load Event
        Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("This is an alert for On Load Event.");
    catch (e) {


//2. Function to Execute all OnSave events

function OnSave(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Sample code for On Save Event
        Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("This is an alert for On Save Event.");
    catch (e) {



//3. Function to Execute Field on Change events, This could be specific to each field

function OnChange(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Sample code for On Change Event
        Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("This is an alert for On Change Event.");
    catch (e) {



//4. Function to Get Lookup ID

function GetLookupId(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get lookup ID here, Give lookup field logical name here
        var lookupId = formContext.getAttribute("new_organizationid").getValue()[0].id;
    catch (e) {



//5. Get Lookup Name

function GetLookupName(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get lookup name here, Give lookup field logical name here
        var lookupName = formContext.getAttribute("new_organizationid").getValue()[0].name;
    catch (e) {



//6. Get the Entity Logical Name

function GetEntityLogicalName(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get entity logical name here, Give lookup field logical name here
        var entityName = formContext.getAttribute("new_organizationid").getValue()[0].entityType;
    catch (e) {
//7. Get the text value from Filed
function GetTextValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get text value of the field here, Give field logical name here
        var textValue = formContext.getAttribute("new_employeebusinessid").getValue();
    catch (e) {



//8.Get the Data base value from Option Set Field

function GetOptionSetDataBaseValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get data base value of the option set field here, Give field logical name here
        var databaseValue = formContext.getAttribute("new_gender").getValue();
    catch (e) {
//9. Get the Option Set text value
function GetOptionSetTextValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get text value of the option set field here, Give field logical name here
        var optionSetTextValue = formContext.getAttribute("new_gender").getText();
    catch (e) {
//10. Get the Data base value from Two Option Set Field
function GetTwoOptionSetDataBaseValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the value of the two option set field here, Give field logical name here
        var databaseValue = formContext.getAttribute("new_type").getValue();
    catch (e) {
//11. Get the Date Field Value
function GetDateFieldValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Getvalue of the field here, Give field logical name here
        var dateOfBirth = formContext.getAttribute("new_dateofbirth").getValue();
    catch (e) {



//12. Get the Date, Month, Year from Date Field Value

function GetDateFieldValues(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get value of the field here, Give field logical name here
        var dateOfBirth = formContext.getAttribute("new_dateofbirth").getValue();
        //Get Year
        //Get Month
        //Get Date(Day)
    catch (e) {
//13. Set the text value to Text Field
function SetTextFieldValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Set the field value here
    catch (e) {
//14. Set the Data base value to Option Set Field
function SetOptionSetDataBaseValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Set the field value here
    catch (e) {
//15. Set the Data base value to Two Option Set Field
function SetTwoOptionSetDataBaseValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Set the field value here - true
        //Set the field value here - false
    catch (e) {
//16. Set the Date Field Value
function SetDateFieldValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the current Date
        var dateOfBirth = new Date();
        //Set the Current Date to date field
    catch (e) {
//17. Set the Lookup Field Value
function SetLookUpFieldValue(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var lookupValue = new Array();
        var lookupValue[0]= new Object();
        lookupValue[0].id = "919F28C4-F9BB-E911-A977-000D3AF04F8C";//Guid of the Record to be set
        lookupValue[0].name = "Tata Consultancy Services"; //Name of the record to be set
        lookupValue[0].entityType = "new_organization" //Entity Logical Name
    catch (e) {



//18. Set the Field Requirement Level

function SetTheFieldRequirementLevel(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Set as Business Required
        //Set as Buiness Recommended
        //Set as Optional
    catch (e) {
//19. Enable or Disable Field(Lock / Unlock)
function SetTheFieldState(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Set field as Read only
        //Set field as Editable
    catch (e) {
//20. Apply Lookup Filter
function ApplyLookUpFilter(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the custom filter
        var filter = "";
        //Get the lookup field
        var lookupField = formContext.getAttribute("new_organizationid");
        //Apply custom Filter for lookup
        lookupField.addPreSearch(function () {
    catch (e) {
//21. Show Hide Fields
function ShowHideFields(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Show Field
        //Hide Field
    catch (e) {
//22. Show or Hide Navigation Items
function ShowHideNavigationItems(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Show Organizations
        //Hide Organizations
    catch (e) {
//23. Set Form Notification
function SetFormNotification(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Set Form Notification
        formContext.ui.setFormNotification("This is a MS DYNAMICS CRM Form Notification", "INFO", "1");
    catch (e) {
//24. Clear Form Notification
function ClearFormNotification(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Clear Form Notification
        formContext.ui.clearFormNotification("This is a MS DYNAMICS CRM Form Notification", "INFO", "1");
    catch (e) {



//25. Show Progress Indicator

function ShowProgressIndicator() {
    try {
        Xrm.Utility.showProgressIndicator("The Page is Loading... Please wait...");
    catch (e) {
//26.Clear Progress Indicator
function ClearProgressIndicator() {
    try {
    catch (e) {
//27. Show Hide Tabs based on field values
function ShowHideTabs(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var isProcessed = formContext.getAttribute("progres_isprocessed").getValue(); //Two Option set field
        var generalTab = formContext.ui.tabs.get("GENERAL"); //Get Tab
        if (isProcessed === false) {
            generalTab.setVisible(false); //Hide Tab
        } else {
            generalTab.setVisible(true); //Show Tab
        formContext.ui.tabs.get("CASH_PLAN_FLOW_DETAILS").setDisplayState("collapsed"); //Collapse Tab
    catch (e) {
//28. Show Hide Sections based on field values
function ShowHideSections(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var isProcessed = formContext.getAttribute("progres_isprocessed").getValue(); //Two Option set field
        var generalTab = formContext.ui.tabs.get("GENERAL"); //Get Tab
        var asstPackages = generalTab.sections.get("ASSISTANCE_PACKAGES"); //Get sections
        var payments = generalTab.sections.get("PAYMENT_RECORDS"); //Get sections
        if (isProcessed === false) {
            asstPackages.setVisible(true); //Show Section
            payments.setVisible(false); //Hide Section
        } else {
            asstPackages.setVisible(false); //Show Section
            payments.setVisible(true); //Show Section
        formContext.ui.tabs.get("CASH_PLAN_FLOW_DETAILS").setDisplayState("collapsed"); //Collapse Tab
    catch (e) {
//29. Save Form
function SaveForm(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Save Form;
    catch (e) {
//30. Save Form and Close Record
function SaveFormAndClose(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Save Form and Close"saveandclose");
    catch (e) {


//31. Save Form and Open Create Form

function SaveFormAndOpenCreateForm(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Save Form and Close"saveandnew");
    catch (e) {
//32. Close Form
function CloseForm(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Close Form
    catch (e) {
//33. Save the data on Read Only Field
function ForceSaveDataOnReadOnlyField(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Save forcefully
        //Save forcefully
        //Save forcefully
    catch (e) {
//34. Get Dirty Fields from Form
function GetFormDirtyFields(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var attributes =
        for (var i in attributes) {
            var attribute = attributes[i];
            if (attribute.getIsDirty()) {
                Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("Attribute dirty: " + attribute.getName());
    catch (e) {
//35. Get Form Type
function GetFormType(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get Form Type
        var formType = formContext.ui.getFormType();
    catch (e) {
//36. Get GUID of the Current Record
function GetGuidOfTheRecord(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the current Record Guid
        var recordGuid =;
    catch (e) {
//37. Get GUID of the Current User
function GetGuidOfTheRecord(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the Current User Guid
        var userGuid = formContext.context.getUserId();
    catch (e) {
//38. Get the Security Roles of Current User
function GetSecurityRolesOfCurrentUser(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the Current User Guid
        var userRoles = formContext.context.getUserRoles();
    catch (e) {



//39. Get the CRM Clinet Url

function GetTheCRMClientUrl(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the Client Url
        var clientUrl = formContext.context.getClientUrl();
    catch (e) {
//40. Get the User Language ID
function GetTheUserLanguageID(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the Current User Language ID
        var userLanguage = formContext.context.getUserLcid();
    catch (e) {
//41. Get the Current User Name
function GetTheCurrentUserName(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        //Get the Current User Name
        var userName = formContext.context.userSettings.userName;
    catch (e) {
//42. Create Record using Xrm.WebApi
function CreateRecord() {
    try {
        var entityName = "new_organization"; //Entity Logical Name
        //Data used to Create record
        var data = {
            "new_organizationname": "Tata Consultancy Services",
            "new_description": "This is the description of Tata Consultancy Services",
            "new_noofemployees": 400000,
            "new_revenue": 20000000
        Xrm.WebApi.createRecord(entityName, data).then(
            function success(result) {
            function (error) {
    catch (e) {
//43. Update Record using Xrm.WebApi
function UpdateRecord() {
    try {
        var entityName = "new_organization"; //Entity Logical Name
        var recordId = "919F28C4-F9BB-E911-A977-000D3AF04F8C"; //Guid of the Record
        //Data used to Create record
        var data = {
            "new_organizationname": "Tata Consultancy Services",
            "new_description": "This is the description of Tata Consultancy Services",
            "new_noofemployees": 450000,
            "new_revenue": 30000000
        Xrm.WebApi.updateRecord(entityName, recordId, data).then(
            function success(result) {
            function (error) {
    catch (e) {
//44. Delete Record using Xrm.WebApi
function DeleteRecord() {
    try {
        var entityName = "new_organization"; //Entity Logical Name
        var recordId = "919F28C4-F9BB-E911-A977-000D3AF04F8C"; //Guid of the Record
        Xrm.WebApi.deleteRecord(entityName, recordId).then(
            function success(result) {
            function (error) {
    catch (e) {



//45. Retrieve Record using Xrm.WebApi
function RetrieveRecord() {
    try {
        var entityName = "new_organization"; //Entity Logical Name
        var recordId = "919F28C4-F9BB-E911-A977-000D3AF04F8C"; //Guid of the Record
        var columnsToRetrieve = "$select=new_organizationname, new_noofemployees, new_revenue"; //Columns to Retrieve
        Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord(entityName, recordId, columnsToRetrieve).then(
            function success(result) {
            function (error) {
    catch (e) {
//46. Retrieve Multiple Record using Xrm.WebApi
function RetrieveMultipleRecords() {
    try {
        var entityName = "new_organization"; //Entity Logical Name
        var query = "?$select=new_organizationname, new_noofemployees, new_revenue&$top=3"; //Columns to Retrieve
        Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords(entityName, query).then(
            function success(result) {
            function (error) {
    catch (e) {
//47. Call Asynchronous Action
function CallAsynchronousAction(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var webApiVersionNumber = "v9.1";
        var serverURL = formContext.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/" + webApiVersionNumber + "/";;
        var actionName = "new_customaction"; //Action name
        var data = {}; //Action Parameters
        if (typeof (data) === "undefined") {
            data = {};
        var oDataEndPoint = serverURL + actionName;
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", oDataEndPoint, true); //Action will be invoked Asynchronously
        req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        req.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
        req.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
        req.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (this.readyState === 4) {
                req.onreadystatechange = null;
                if (this.status === 204 || this.status === 200) {
                    if (this.statusText === "No Content" || this.statusText === "") // In case of 204
                        var response = req.response;
                    else {
                        var response = JSON.parse(req.response);
                } else {
                    var error = JSON.parse(req.response).error;
    catch (e) {
//48. Call Synchronous Action
function CallSynchronousAction(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var webApiVersionNumber = "v9.1";
        var serverURL = formContext.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/" + webApiVersionNumber + "/";;
        var actionName = "new_customaction"; //Action name
        var data = {}; //Action Parameters
        if (typeof (data) === "undefined") {
            data = {};
        var oDataEndPoint = serverURL + actionName;
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", oDataEndPoint, false); //Action will be invoked synchronously
        req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        req.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
        req.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
        req.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (this.readyState === 4) {
                req.onreadystatechange = null;
                if (this.status === 204 || this.status === 200) {
                    if (this.statusText === "No Content" || this.statusText === "") // In case of 204
                        var response = req.response;
                    else {
                        var response = JSON.parse(req.response);
                } else {
                    var error = JSON.parse(req.response).error;
    catch (e) {


//49. Associate request using Web Api

function AssociateRequest(executionContext) {
    try {
        //Get the form context
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var serverURL = formContext.context.getClientUrl();
        var currentEntityPlurarName = "fieldsecurityprofiles";
        var currentEntityId = "4E7C654C-7150-E711-811F-C4346BACBA84";//Get Field Security Profile id
        var relationShipName = "systemuserprofiles_association";
        var otherEntityPlurarName = "systemusers";
        var otherEntityId = "2F5FC0F6-F247-E811-810F-C4346BDCF131"; //Get System User id
        var associate = {}
        associate[""] = serverURL + "/api/data/v9.1/" + otherEntityPlurarName + "(" + otherEntityId + ")";
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", serverURL + "/api/data/v9.1/" + currentEntityPlurarName + "(" + currentEntityId + ")/" + relationShipName + "/$ref", false);
        req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        req.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
        req.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
        req.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (this.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
                req.onreadystatechange = null;
                if (this.status == 204) {
                } else {
                    var error = JSON.parse(this.response).error;
    catch (e) {
