Wednesday, May 20, 2020

List of dynamics 365 entity status & status reason with values

Entity's Status (statecode) & Status Reason (statuscode) values in D365

This post will help you to find all the relevant status and status reasons with values.

I have added a list of Entity and their Status and Status Reason value below :

EntityStatus (statecode)Status Reason (statuscode)
Account0 Active1 Active
1 Inactive2 Inactive
Activity (activitypointer)0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Completed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
3 Scheduled4 Scheduled
Appointment0 Open1 Free
2 Tentative
1 Completed3 Completed
2 Canceled4 Canceled
3 Scheduled5 Busy
6 Out of Office
Article (kbarticle)1 Draft1 Draft
2 Unapproved2 Unapproved
3 Published3 Published
Campaign0 Active0 Proposed
1 Ready To Launch
2 Launched
3 Completed
4 Canceled
5 Suspended
Campaign Activity0 Open0 In Progress
1 Proposed
4 Pending
5 System Aborted
6 Completed
1 Closed2 Closed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Campaign Response0 Open1 Open
1 Closed2 Closed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Case (incident)0 Active1 In Progress
2 On Hold
3 Waiting for Details
4 Researching
1 Resolved5 Problem Solved
2 Canceled6 Canceled
Case Resolution (incidentresolution, notcustomizable)0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Closed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Contact0 Active1 Active
1 Inactive2 Inactive
Contract0 Draft1 Draft
1 Invoiced2 Invoiced
2 Active3 Active
3 On Hold4 On Hold
4 Canceled5 Canceled
5 Expired6 Expired
Contract Line (contractdetail)0 Existing1 New
1 Renewed2 Renewed
2 Canceled3 Canceled
3 Expired4 Expired
Currency (transactioncurrency)0 Active0 Active
1 Inactive1 Inactive
Discount (discounttype)0 Active100001 Active
1 Inactive100002 Inactive
E-mail0 Open1 Draft
8 Failed
1 Completed2 Completed
3 Sent
4 Received
6 Pending Send
7 Sending
2 Canceled5 Canceled
Fax0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Completed
3 Sent
4 Received
2 Canceled5 Canceled
Invoice0 Active1 New
2 Partially Shipped
4 Billed
5 Booked (applies to services)
6 Installed (applies to services)
1 Closed (deprecated)3 Canceled (deprecated)
7 Paid in Full (deprecated
2 Paid100001 Complete
100002 Parial
3 Canceled100003 Canceled
Lead0 Open1 New
2 Contacted
1 Qualified3 Qualified
2 Disqualified4 Lost
5 Cannot Contact
6 No Longer Interested
7 Canceled
Letter0 Open1 Open
2 Draft
1 Completed3 Received
4 Sent
2 Canceled5 Canceled
Marketing List (list)0 Active0 Active
1 Inactive1 Inactive
Opportunity0 Open1 In Progress
2 On Hold
1 Won3 Won
2 Lost4 Canceled
5 Out-Sold
Order (salesorder)0 Active1 New
2 Pending
1 Submitted3 In Progress
2 Canceled4 No Money
3 Fulfilled100001 Complete
100002 Partial
4 Invoiced100003 Invoiced
Phone Call0 Open1 Open
1 Completed2 Made
4 Received
2 Canceled3 Canceled
Price List (pricelevel)0 Active100001 Active
1 Inactive10002 Inactive
Product0 Active1 Active
1 Inactive2 Inactive
Quote0 Draft1 In Progress
1 Active2 In Progress
3 Open
2 Won4 Won
5 Out-Sold
3 Closed5 Lost
6 Canceled
7 Revised
Service Activity (serviceappointment)0 Open1 Requested
2 Tentative
1 Closed8 Completed
2 Canceled9 Canceled
10 No Show
3 Scheduled3 Pending
4 Reserved
6 In Progress
7 Arrived
Task0 Open2 Not Started
3 In Progress
4 Waiting on someone else
7 Deferred
1 Completed5 Completed
2 Canceled6 Canceled