Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Remove parentheses, brackets and quotes from string Javascript expression

Remove parentheses, brackets, and quotes from a string

Remove parentheses:

For example: If your result is like:  "{result}"

The below expression will remove the parentheses and give you an answer as "result"

       var value = value.replace(/[\])}[{(]/g, '');
Remove Brackets:

Brackets can be removed from a string in Javascript by using a regular expression in combination with the .replace() method.

var value = value.replace(/[\[\]']+/g, '')

Lets elaborate:
·         The first parameter of.replace() is regular expression /[\])}[{(]/g.
o    Regular expressions are essentially rules used to define a set of characters to match and to subsequently invoke the replace method on.
·         To remove [. and ] individually, we need to escape them using \.
·         + applies the rule to the whole string.

   Remove double quotes:

The below regex for replacing all double-quotes in javascript.  "/g" is for replacing all double quotes in a string.

var value = "result";
value = value.replace(/\"/g, "");  

   Some More Examples with explanations: 

First Regex
x = x.replace(/[{()}]/g, '');
y = y.replace(/[{()}]/g, '');

In first regex /[{()}]/g the outer square brackets [] makes a character class, it will match one of the character specified inside of it. In this case the characters {)}.
Outside of the /regexp/ you have the g (global) modifier meaning that you are entire regular the expression will match as many times as it can, and it will not just make to the first match.

Second regex
x = x.replace(/[\[\]']+/g, '');
y = y.replace(/[\[\]']+/g, '');

In second regex / [\[\]']+/g the outer square brackets [] makes a character class, it will match one of the character specified inside of it. In this case the characters [ ] '.
Note that the square brackets appear scaped inside the [character class] as \ [\].
After it you have specified a + quantifier, it makes the preceding rule match one or more times in a row. Note that this is redundant, even if it works, this is not quite what you want.
Outside of the /regularexpression/ you have the g (global) modifier meaning that your entire regular expression will match as many times as it can, and it will not just make it to the first match.

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